Puppy House Training

Puppy House Training

How to Teach a Puppy Not to Urinate in the House:

After a few months he will learn that it’s not nice for me’, you encourage yourself after stepping in yet another yellow puddle, and wonder how much it is your fault that the puppy insists in marking the path from the lounge to the kitchen. He will continue to urinate all over the house until you teach him that urinating is only allowed where people don’t live. When the puppy reaches the age of 11 weeks, a week after having received 2 vaccinations of 6 in 1, it is possible to begin taking him outside to do his business. Until then it is necessary to create a corner for him in the house where you can spread newspapers for him to relieve himself on.

Up to the age of 8 weeks the puppy needs to live in a very confined space, for example, a padded box of about 1 square meter. (Link) Puppies need to discover space and distance gradually, therefore a box doesn’t make him feel confined, but secure. As long as he lives in the box he shouldn’t be taken out of this area at random times or without supervision because order and routine are the best tools for developing healthy self confidence in dogs.

All the time he is living in his box he should be taken out to do his toilet at the following times:

  1. In the morning, as soon as he wakes up.
  2. Every time he wakes up from a nap.
  3. Every time he is happy and excited, for example, when a family member comes home.
  4. After every meal.
  5. Before the family goes to sleep at night.

Prevent the puppy from doing his business in the box, dogs are fastidious, they don’t eat or sleep in a place they use as a toilet. If the puppy learns that when he is taken out of the box he goes to the toilet, he will also try to hold in and will learn that kaki and pipi are only done outside what is presently defined as ‘home’. The way to the newspapers prepared for him is taught gradually: the first 2 weeks the puppy is carried and put on the newspapers, there after it is recommended to use a short lead (Link) which will teach the puppy to follow us to his toilet. The puppy should be given encouragement along the way, by means of compliments and positive reinforcement so that he learns to connect between doing his business in the right place and our positive reaction.

How long should we wait for the dog to do his toilet? Here is a rule that applies to every stage of the dog’s life: if within approximately 7 minutes of being taken out to the toilet area he is still busy smelling and wandering around, he simply doesn’t need to relieve himself at this time.

If the puppy succeeds in doing his business on the newspapers provided for him – praise him as if he was a world champion. Dogs mainly understand positive reinforcements, and so if he misses the target area there is no point in scolding or punishing him. What should be done if he misses is that the area should be thoroughly cleaned, with a chemical agent, so that no smell remains and the puppy won’t return to the same spot.

After the puppy has finished his toilet, he should be allowed to roam around the room for a bit so that he gets to know the surroundings and to gradually extend this to other areas of the house.

After about 2 weeks of practising this routine it is time for the puppy to move on to the next stage: to learn to hold in a bit and to decrease the amount of times he is taken out for toilet. If during the first 2 weeks he was taken out of his box approximately 8 to 10 times a day, he can now be taken out 5 to 6 times. He should not be taken out less than 5 times a day so that he is not under too much pressure to hold in, which can lead to health and behavioural problems.

When, at 11 weeks of age the puppy begins to go out of the house, it is advisable during the first week, to increase the frequency of toilet visits again as the new situation may result in excitement and regression in toilet training.

At this stage it is advisable to take the puppy out on a longer leash than before and to stay the maximum distance from him while he is doing his business. Yes, it does sound a little silly, but even dogs need a little privacy at this time of day! By the way, if you live in a house with a private garden, there is no need for the whole newspaper stage, the puppy can be taken straight out in to the garden for his toilet.

Come visit, and you will understand why most vets recommend us

Puppy House Training 1
Puppy House Training 2
Puppy House Training 3

For further details please contact Yoni Engelberg at the farm offices: +972-543-344-365[email protected]